Wednesday, April 14

Afternoon quickie

I just got into the office after doing a TV interview this morning, so I have to make this quick, since I am on vacation the next two days and have LOTS to do.

Wednesdays are my official weekly weigh-in (the one that gets recorded for posterity) and I am officially down 49 lbs!

I still can't eat crap. I had a pseudo-stuck episode on an avocado at lunch. It's getting old, but I figure with the weight flying off, it's gotta loosen up sooner than later.

More later, my loverlies!


  1. Yay!!!! Great job Amy! Just keep it up, it will loosen...has to - you are shrinking like crazy so your stomach will too!

  2. I just love afternoon quickies. You are so close to goal. I know you'll do it.

  3. TV interview?! Are you famous? I love knowing famous people...and awesome on the 49...

  4. You little turdbucket - look at you shrinking. Smooches!

  5. HA! So not famous. I'm the official spokesperson for my org, so I was on TV promoting summer camp. Exciting, huh?

  6. Hey that is awesome......congrats and enjoy your hols
