Friday, January 8

As a follower...

...why does my pic not show up when I follow other people's blogs? HELP!


  1. You might need to add a picture to your profile. Do you show up as a silhouette thing? I'm not sure if you if show up as Amy or another name so I don't know if you follow mine, but I'd say the problem is in your blogger profile.

  2. Hi Amy
    I had the same problem and had to delete my pic many times. I think it has to do with the file size of the picture. The info in the Help says the pic needs to be 50k or less. I deleted my profile picture, then saved, then added it back. All of a sudden I got this cropping outline. It finally let me crop it, but I am a tiny little speck now. It is different than my Profile picture which now appears full size. Hope this helps. I do computer tech support and still have multiple problems with these d*mn things.

  3. Thanks! I have a pic in my Blogger profile, and it shows up on my page and when I make comments, but it does not show up when I am a follower. Sandy Lee, you might be onto something. At least it's not just me!

  4. Hi Amy-Just found another way to get to add a photo. Find a blog that you follow and click on the "Shadow" that is your name. In the top right corner of the next window, click on Settings. You can then add a photo. My tiny little photo is different than my Profile photo so I guess they have different ways of doing it. When I go to a site, my little picture sits on top of all the others. I can click the arrow beside my pic and select settings too. Then add photo. See if that works.

  5. How are you doing?? I miss your blog posts, come out and play! (I think it may be 12 hours since I've seem a post from you, but whatever, I am alittle stalker/ addicted to our similarities!!!)
    Hope you are well.. V

  6. Sandy Lee, that worked! Thank you soooo much!
