Tuesday, May 4

Lap-band in the news and on tv

I was flipping through the channels last night, praying for sleep, as DD repeated "Mommy mommy mommy" to herself in her room (makes me bonkers).

Anyhow, I came across "The Real Housewives of NJ" and lo and behold, one of the hubbies got a band and has lost 70 lbs!

And while I was looking for an article to confirm that, I found that a Philadelphia Eagle got one as well!

It's refreshing to see this awesome solution becoming more main stream instead of being considered an 'extreme' measure.


  1. You are NOT the fattest sister! I am! And I am only 5'4, so that makes it even worse!

  2. And that comment was supposed to go with the post below this one. whoops! Apparently I am not the smartest sister!

  3. I love the housewives of NJ!!

  4. Ha!! I saw that on the Housewives of NJ too last night.. he looks great!! I love how the one housewife said: "Um.. I think he got some rubberband or something put around his stomach.. I don't think I could do that.. " I cracked up!! "yep, that's right sweetie, just a simple little rubber band does the trick!!"

  5. I just read that...priceless! We can't watch the housewives here in Canada when they first start. We are 3-6 months behind! Oooh can't wait!

  6. The housewives crack me up. What a bunch of drama queens and I love every minute of it. I have this season's first NJ housewives on dvr -I have to watch when the kids aren't around. And I'm so looking forward to Alex bitching out Jill this week on NY housewives.

  7. Crap! I missed Housewives last night even though I watched the table-turning re-run for the 10th time!

    Hmmm, now the lap-band thing is interesting! Finally the husbands might catch up with all the wives' surgeries!

  8. i was excited to see that too. i think RHONJ may be my fav. i loved the rubber band comment! lol.

  9. Please come to Chicago so I can meet you.....
