Tuesday, April 26

Workout blues and another virgin alert.

Frickin A. I have worked out six days in a row and guess what's happened to my weight loss? Yep. Stall. I know, I know, I know. I know what advice I'd give someone else, but seriously, I don't like it. Make it stop. I better lose 5 lbs overnight, or DH is going to weigh even less than me. Wahhhh. Not fair. Muscles are totally overrated. (Not really, just whining.)

Likewise, I think I'm eating too little. I've had this problem in the past, and I find it so ironic. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to shove my piehole full of sugar and carbs, but I have no appetite for anything Atkins-legal. Not that I don't like the food (I do), I just am not hungry. It's an interesting conundrum for a fat girl, to say the least.

As for the virgin alert, I tried my first CLICK shake today, and I feel the love. Boy oh boy, was it tasty. A tad expensive and a tad high in carbs (12 per serving), but YUMMO! Honestly, almost as good as a frappucino. Definitely better than the nasty light frappucinos. I added a bit of heavy cream to mine, and I enjoyed every sip of it.

On the menu for dinner is low carb pizza. I made a crust of eggs and a bunch of different cheeses. If it turns out good, I'll share, as it may be easier to eat for us bandsters. I hope it's good, or I may have to have a second CLICK shake for dinner. Ha.

Well, guess I have nothing else to bore you guys with today. Off to make some returns at Target and buy some hand weights. I've been working out with sugar-free Davinci syrup bottles. Yep, I'm cool like that.


  1. Look at you go with your workouts. I'm jealous. I have zero energy for working out with this darn pneumonia I have been battling.

  2. Maybe your muscles are holding some water, since you've been flexin' them?

    My husband weighs less than me. He weighs less than everyone. He went on a diet once, because he got all the way up to 180 pounds (he's 6'1".... a rail I tell you!) and he was PISSED that it took him a month to lose 20 pounds. Yeah... I know. You don't even have to say it.

  3. Girl...I hear ya. 3 weeks of bootcamp and the scale didn't budge!!!!
    I have never tried click before. I guess I need to add it to my shopping list. When are you coming to Dallas????

  4. Way to go for working out...you rock!

  5. I love Click. It's truly the best protein shake I have ever had (taste wise) but the caffeine does me no good thanks to my sensitivity to it! Damn!

    At least you are working out. I would much rather have a stall from working to than to be gaining from binge eating all the time and being a total couch whore! (referring to myself)

    That pizza sounds good. Can't wait to see how that works out.

  6. I love the Atkin Advantage Mocha Latte shakes... they're yummy and since I was a Starbucks whore post-band... they fill the frappachio void.
